Sunday 2 August 2015

Summer Body Lotions

Hey People! I am so excited because summer has finally started. With the advent of any new season, one must change the skincare products too. Just like seasons change, the requirements of our skin change too. I make sure that I buy products which keep my skin moisturized and hydrated in that season. In summers, skin requires light body lotions, unlike the ones we use in winter. I am sure none of you would love to have oily or sweaty skin by applying thick textured body lotions/butters. I came across few body lotions which can be used in summers to keep skin moisturized and healthy.


Cost -  £5 Each.
Quantity - Just like the price, the quantity is also same of all three which is 400 ml. At the given price, quantity is great.
Fragrance - All three smell quite nice.
Texture - These body lotions quickly get absorbed in skin and are quite lightweight. There is no trace of stickiness after applying.
Hydration - Skin remains moisturized whole day, which is a great thing.


This blog is more about how similar these body lotions are. I am impressed with all three and would love to buy these again. You can chose them as per your preference or brand loyalties.

Don't forget to keep your skin healthy and beautiful.

Happy Summers!

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