Tuesday 3 November 2015

Multi Purpose Holder

Hey Peeps! I know this blog totally looks like a digression from other blogs, but I just felt that it will be useful for you all too. This multi purpose holder can be prepared in no time, without hassle and plus it can be made with things available at your home. Let's get started!

                                                           Things we need:
                                                        1. Plastic Bottle
                                                        2. Knife
                                                        3. Scissors
                                                        4. Iron

Simply, cut the bottle from the center of bottle or from the place you want (depending on the size of holder you want) using a knife.

The holder will appear as follows after cutting. You will see unequal sides; use scissors to trim those edges as neatly as you can.
You will see some neatness after trimming

Heat up the iron and unplug it. Lightly tap the iron on all trimmed sides. This will help in settlement of all rough sides.

No more rough edges.

And it is ready to use :)
                                           You can use it for innumerable purposes.
                                                    GO CREATE YOUR OWN!

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